About Pads for Pads

In 2019, Kaya Garside was in seventh grade. She was assigned a social studies project in which she had to research a problem facing the continent of Africa. She started by investigating barriers to kids’ education and discovered that up to seven million girls in Africa don’t have access to sanitary period products, which often causes them to miss school. She knew she had to help.

Pads for Pads was born as a way to raise money and educate people about this issue. Kaya designed and sold notepads to fund organizations in Africa providing education and period products to girls and women.

As she researched more, her disbelief only grew as she learned about the devastating impact of period poverty in the United States. Now, as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, Pads for Pads raises money by accepting donations and selling notepads for organizations working domestically to achieve period equity. All profits are donated.

Who We Are

Our three-pronged mission raises funds to support organizations working towards these crucial goals.

  • Provide Products.

    We support organizations working domestically to provide period products to those in need in their local communities. If you are doing this kind of work, tell us about the work you’re doing by using the button below. Maybe we can help!

  • Provide Education.

    Many people who menstruate remain uneducated about what is happening in their bodies. Education is crucial for everyone, both those who menstruate and those who don’t. We all need to understand this natural process.

  • Combat Stigma.

    No one should be ashamed of having a period. We shouldn’t have to hide something that will span 2,500 days of our lives. That’s almost seven years that we spend menstruating! We must reduce the stigma of having a period.